Tea Weekly is the official newspaper for Lincoln County, the City of Tea and
the Tea Area School District. Reach our office at 605-213-0049 or email.
Affordable, effective advertising with your community newspapers
Tea Weekly in Print
Tea Weekly is published on Fridays with a paid circulation of 1150. Primary Market Zips: 57064, 57106, 57105, 57039, 57108
Tea Weekly Features
Every season there are opportunities to sponsor different features, call for details.
Display Rate .......................... $6.50 / col. inch
Classified Rate ..................... $5.00 / 20 words
10¢ each additional word
Business Directory ................. $300 / 6 months
Church Page Sponsor ............ $5 / week
Community Page Sponsor...... $10 / month
Full or spot color charge..........$125.00
Deadline Tuesdays at noon
Column widths in inches: 1 col. = 1.8";
2 col. = 3.7"; 3 col. = 5.6"; 4 col. = 7.6";
5 col. = 9.5"; 6 col. = 11.5" (Full Page height 21")
Top Banner Ad...................Call for pricing
Home Page Button..............Call for pricing
Thank You Logo Links.............$10 / month
Sports Previews and
Congratulations end of season ads
Fall / Winter / Spring............... $45 each
Specialty Magazines.............. price varies
Cost 10¢ per piece (The Lennox Independent 1700 full circ., Tea Weekly 800 full circ.)
Smallest size: 4.25 x 5.5″ | Largest size w/o fold 10 x 11.5″
Add-on e-Option — Extra $25 charge to upload to e-Editions (Lennox or Tea), Preprint PDFs required, 4 page tabs or less
Shipping Address, all inserts due by Tuesday, noon to:
Forum Printing Sioux Falls
ATTN: Tea Weekly OR Lennox Ind.
5208 Annika Ave North
Sioux Falls SD 57107
Lennox Independent
Published Thursdays with a paid circulation of 1,750. Primary Market Zips: 57039, 57015, 57064, 57021, 57077, 57101, 57032, 57036
Display Rate .......................... $6.50 / col. inch
Classified Rate ..................... $5.00 / 20 words
10¢ each additional word
Full or spot color charge..........$125.00
Deadline Mondays at noon
Same column size as Tea Weekly
Printing Project?
Contact us for design
and print services, too!

Combo Rate
$10 / column inch
combo rate!
Every week our
two papers reach
over 5,700 readers!