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Tea City Council approves pay apps

The Tea City Council opened and closed their Dec. 7 meeting with executive sessions to perform their annual employee performance reviews.

The council came out of executive session at 7:22 p.m. and approved the agenda and the Nov. 16 meeting minutes.

Ben Scholtz, HDR Engineering, recommended approval for a pay application for Maine Avenue oversizing in the amount of $42,532.66. Scholtz noted that the increase in gravel price from the original estimate of $11.25 per ton to the estimated $14 per ton is not reflected in the pay application. The council moved to approve the application.

Mayor John Lawler noted a revision to the pay application for Dakotaland Sod Farm Inc. for work at the Tea Athletic Complex. The original application was in the amount of $195,931.14. The one the council approved was in the amount of $185,931.14 because of some minor items to be finished.

After some discussion, the council approved change order 2 for the Tea Athletic Complex. The change comes from adding irrigation work by the restroom building that was left off the original plans. The original plan was to leave off the irrigation because playground equipment was supposed to be in that area. However, that equipment will not be placed for a long time and the grass should look the same as the rest of the complex. The commission approved $15,918.57 for the work.

Lawler noted the council budgeted for the purchase of a new police car for 2016. The council moved to approve $26,957 for the car that is to arrive in January.

The council moved to approve second reading on the supplemental appropriations in the amount of $479,500. Of that money from the general fund, $350,000 will go in recreation for the parking lot and architect fees for the athletic complex. The remaining amount will go to the fire department for the new fire truck.

Lawler said they are due for an audit for 2014-15. The city’s usual auditor passed away so city finance officer Dawn Murphy received three bids for the audit. The council approved the quote of $15,300 from Quam & Berglin, PC of Tea.

Planning and zoning administrator Kevin Nissen noted the city did not receive the TIGER grant they applied for. He said they will likely apply for it again.

Economic development director Jenni White announced that Dakota Grill had closed and the building was sold. She is also preparing for the Tea Economic Development Corporation’s annual banquet Dec. 15.

Lawler said the council will help pack backpacks Jan. 12. He also recognized Boy Scout Troop 99 for attending the meeting.

The council went back into executive session at 7:47 p.m.

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