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Tea City Council hears about future land use possibilities

The Tea City Council met Nov. 7 and heard from Confluence, a landscape architect and land use planning company out of Sioux Falls.

Mayor John Lawler brought the company in to talk about their possible ideas the city can pursue in planning for future land use for the city.

The council approved the minutes from the Oct. 17 meeting, November warrants and the final pay application for the Athletic Complex of $13,372 to Dakotaland Sod Farm, Inc.

Planning and zoning administrator Kevin Nissen presented a petition to annex Nielsen’s Addition. They approved the annexation. The council approved the Main Avenue pay application in the amount of $35,481.71.

Nissen also noted that building permits are on track to beat the last five years with 38 new homes and 70 multi-family units so far, along with a number of commercial permits.

The council approved liquor license renewals for:

Package (off-sale):

• Liquor Express

• Cubby’s

• Tea Liquor

• Tea Steak House dba O’Tooles Bar

Retail (on-sale):

• Tea Steak House dba O’Tooles Bar

• American Legion Post 266, Blau DeBoer Post #266

• Sky Lounge

Retail (on-off sale) wine (with video lottery):

• Woodridge Casino.

The council approved the resolution providing for citywide property drainage fee set at a unit financial charge of $0.00022542707.

They also approved a resolution providing for annual street maintenance assessment for all lots fronting and abutting a street 40 cents per front foot.

The council approved $2,640 in mowing assessments on six properties.

Councilman Sid Munson moved to approve the Lewis & Clark ARCA Amendment. The council passed the amendment.

At the Dec. 5 meeting, the council will start employee evaluations.

The council adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

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