School construction plugs along through snowy conditions
The Tea Area School District’s southern-most building is taking shape despite an abnormally wet fall and now snow.
Operations manager Wayne Larsen estimates construction on Venture Elementary is about three weeks behind schedule due to weather. However, construction continues. The main classroom areas have the concrete floor poured, exterior walls and the roof on.
Brick layers have begun laying brick on those outside walls and will work their way all the way around. Windows will be installed after the brick work is done.
Larsen said this building is the first one in which they put a storm shelter in the middle.
“We had to have that as part of the plan, which is reinforced with concrete and the door- ways are different,” he said. “If we end up with a storm, it’s for community use also.”
Larsen noted having an all concrete storm shelter is a newer part of new construction for community buildings. The addition going up at Frontier Elementary will also have one. All of the walls for the storm shelter area came precast so they were set in place and then welded to the concrete floor and ceiling.
Insulation is going in the walls and electricians are running power and conduit in the main classroom areas.
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