Lincoln Co. Commission discusses behavioral health, bridge grants, and Fairgrounds naming rights
The Lincoln County Commission met Tuesday, July 24 to discuss agenda items.
The first item on the agenda was a public hearing to consider an application for a Temporary On-Sale Malt Beverage License to operate outside of a municipality for the Lennox Athletic Booster Club for a fundraiser on September 16, 2023, located at 34.12 Acres in Northeast Quarter including Railroad Property 29-9-51. With no opponents to the motion, motion passed.
Kris Graham joined the meeting to give a Behavioral Health Annual Report.
“I am the CEO of Southeastern Behavioral Health Care in Sioux Falls and I want to first start off with thanking you for your continued support of our agency. This year in Lincoln County we served 228 clients we are funded by the county by dollar per person per capita is how you give us money and last year it was $44,000 and we provided over $275,000 worth of services. 28 percent of those that we provided service to made less than $10,000, 43 percent made below $15,000 and 50 percent of the people we serve made below $20,000 so we do a lot of Medicaid and Medicare services to help support the kids, adults and families,” she said.
The Commission thanked Graham for her time.
Commissioner Tiffani Landeen read the first reading of an Ordinance of Lincoln County, SD, amending Section 154.021, Definitions; Section 154.057, A-1 Permitted Special Uses; Section 154.077, RR Permitted Special Uses; Section 154.097, R-1 Permitted Special Uses; Section 154.117, C Permitted Special Uses; Section 154.137, I-1 Permitted Special Uses; Section 154.157, I-2 Permitted Special Uses; Section 154.177, RC Permitted Special Uses; and adding a new Section 154.254, Transmission Pipelines. Second reading and public hearing on the Ordinance will be on August 1.
Highway Superintendent, Terry Fluit requested board approval to execute an agreement with the South Dakota Department of Transportation.
“First item I have for you is resolution to approve and authorize the chair to execute an agreement with the South Dakota Department of Transportation for preservation grant for structure 42-244-255 in the amount of one $1,209,600 this is a preservation grant and will be used on the Hudson Bridge crossing the Big Sioux River. We applied for a preservation grant on that, we have some issues going on with the abutment walls, so we were awarded that grant back in March and we’re ready to move forward in the process and the agreement,” he said.
Motion passed.
Fluit requested the board approve grant applications for bridge improvements.
“If you looked at the list I’ve got 16 grant applications on there that we’re going to be applying for so this year this is the federal state grant that the state facilitates. if it’s on a non FAS road you’ll get it’s 100 per cent paid so all of these structures are on non FAS road except for one that is on a federal aid route and that one will be at 20 percent. We’re going to apply for all sixteen of these,” he said.
Motion passed.
4-H Advisor, Wendy Sweeter and Chad Hazel, Lincoln County Fairgrounds Foundation president, requested board action to approve naming rights at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds.
“Like Wendy said there’s been a lot of events that have happened this summer out there and an amazing amount of positive feedback from all the community that’s been there for these events as far as where we stand with two new buildings that are going up I just talked to the company yesterday and every project they have all across the country is two weeks behind because the lady that dispatches the all the buildings had some medical issues and she thought she was going to be back to work and she wasn’t so everything just got delayed. He’s looking at two weeks from now that they’ll deliver the buildings and then they’re going to put them both up while they’re there. As far as the naming rights we had talked before with the commissioners that about 60% is what you’re looking for for us to be able to put somebody else’s name on the building and we found people that want their names on them, Jerry’s Auto would be the North one and the South one is Security State Bank out of Lennox and Chancellor.”
The Board requested to review the legal contracts when available and to approve the motion to move forward with the naming rights.
Chief Civil Deputy States Attorney, William Golden requested board action to vacate 12th Street in Canton.
“The road abuts a piece of property that the county took by tax deed and so as an owner of the property they’re asking for us to consent before that vacation of the road. It is next to a house, it’s an open field, it is not a current road at this point in time so that is what the proposal is,” he said.
Motion tabled to acquire more information on the road.