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Preliminary plans shown for housing development north of Tempo soccer

Mayor John Lawler called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm on October 4th, 2021.

Terry Woessner moved to approve the agenda. Joe Weis seconded the motion. The motion was passed. Next item on the agenda was to approve the city council consent agenda. Weis moved to approve, and Jim Erck seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

The floor was open to public comments. Andy Kenyon a resident of South Dakota spoke about wanting to be able to cultivate cannabis within Tea, South Dakota. Kenyon spoke about the steps he would take to address concerns about the smell and waste from the cultivation of cannabis. Kenyon also discussed that his clients would be vendors not the general population. He would also be able to bring seven full time jobs to the community with his business.

After Kenyon the public comments were closed.

Following public comments were alcoholic beverage licenses. Weis motioned to approve both licenses and Woessner seconded. Weis then withdrew the motion. Joe then motioned to approve the alcoholic beverage license for Rivals LLC., with Woessner seconding. The motion passed. Weis then motioned to approve the alcoholic beverage license for Hy-Vee. The motion was seconded by Erck. The motion passed.

The council then moved on to item 7:10 the public hearing for Gateway Boulevard. During this hearing Jerry Goldhammer asked for clarification about the project. The council gave clarification and then proceeded to a vote. Erck motioned to approve the Gateway Boulevard special assessment roll and Casey Voelker seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Following the Gateway Boulevard hearing was the Ninemile Lake Addition Preliminary plan hearing. During this hearing the plans were shown for the new development just north of Tempo Soccer. It will include mainly residential properties. The properties will be made up of primarily single family homes with a few multi-family homes. There is also a possibility for a lake feature with retention capability. Once the public hearing was complete Woessner motioned to approve the preliminary plans for Ninemile Lake addition and Weis seconded. The motion passed.

The next item on the agenda was the first reading of ordinance 287- Medical Cannabis Establishment. In the proposed ordinance it allows of no cultivation, manufacturing or testing facilities for cannabis in Tea, South Dakota. There was also no discussion on the number of dispensaries, if any, would be allowed in Tea.

During the open discussion the council heard from many different industry members. Those members included Ned Horsted the Executive Director of the Cannabis Industry Association of South Dakota, Dalton Grimmus a potential cultivator of cannabis and BJ Olson a potential dispensary owner.

After hearing from all individuals who wanted to speak and share their opinions about the ordinance the first reading was approved.

The council then moved on to zoning items on the agenda. The first zoning item was the Josmer West site plan and foundation permit. Voelker moved to approve the permit and Erck seconded. The motion passed. The second zoning item was the Casino Interior Buildout. Weis moved to approve the buildout and Voelker seconded the motion. Two members voted yes and two members no. Lawler had to cast the deciding vote and he voted yes. The motion passed.

The next item on the agenda was pay applications. The two pay application items were the 85th Water Storage Tank and Gateway Boulevard Phase 2 Improvements. The motion to approve both items was moved by Erck and seconded by Woessner. The motion was approved.

The next item was the resolution of support for the American Rescue Plan Funding request made by the Lewis and Clark Water System for its expansion to 60 million gallons per day. Voelker moved to approve the resolution for support. Woessner seconded the motion. The motion passed.

The final item on the agenda was the Brian Street and Heritage Boulevard crosswalk improvement plans. During the discussion it was brought to the council that the estimate to install new lights which includes a green left arrow, pavement markings, signs and new technology to protect the crosswalk, would come to just under $60,000. The improvements have been requested due to the increase in motor vehicle accidents, as well as motor vehicle versus pedestrian accidents at the intersection. According to local law enforcement the number of accidents at the intersection warrants the addition of left turn arrows that will help protect both pedestrians and drivers as well.

The meeting was then adjourned.

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